Jumat, 09 Desember 2011


Whether you are working cover existing furnishings and fabrics or 'starting from scratch' with an empty room, you should always use the elements and principles of design as a beacon rule choosing everything. the elements are your tools or raw materials, much like paints are the basis to a painter. its elements of design include space, line, form, color, and texture. The principles of design relate to how you use these elements. The principles of architecture are balance, emphasis, rhythm, proportion and scale, and harmony and unity.

Principle |1: Balance

Visual equilibrium in a room is called balance. factual gives a sense of casualty besides a feeling of completion. A well-balanced room gives careful consideration to the placement of objects according to their visual weight. The elements of line, form, color and texture all support determine an object's visual weight, which is the amount of space it appears to occupy. Balance also refers to how and where you place the elements (line, form, color and nub) within a fling. To maintain balance, try to distribute the elements throughout the room.

|Formal balance, often referred to as symmetrical balance, creates a mirror twist effect.

|Informal balance uses different objects of the same visual weight to create equilibrium moment a one's say. It is more subtle and spontaneous and gives a warmer, more casual feeling.

Principle |2: Emphasis

Emphasis is the focal concurrent of the room. The focal point should be obvious as you enter the room; it is the area to which your eye is attracted. Whatever is featured, as the center of interest -a fireplace, artwork or a window dummy framing a beautiful view-must be sufficiently emphasized so that all else leads the eye toward the featured area. You can add emphasis to a stereotyped focal point or create one in a room through effective benediction of line, form, tone and texture.

Principle |3: Rhythm

Rhythm supplies the discipline which controls the think as is moves around a room. rhythm helps the eye to move easily from one object to another and creates a harmony that tells the eye everything in the room belongs to a unified whole. Rhythm is created through profuseness of line, form, color or texture. valid can and be created due to progression. Progressive rhythm is a light ongoing or decreasing in size, behest or color.

Principle |4: Proportion and Scale

Size relationships effect a circumstance are defined by proportion and scale. Proportion refers to how the elements within an object relate to the object as a faultless. Scale relates to the size of an leaven when compared go underground the size of the space in which existing is located.

Principle |5: Harmony further Unity

A well-designed go is a unified whole that encompasses all the divers elements and principles of architecture. alignment assures the sense of order. There is a consistency of sizes and shapes, a harmony of color and pattern. the ultimate goal of decorating is to give impulse the room with alignment and harmony and the sense of rhythm. Repeating the elements, balancing them throughout the room, and then adding a little aberration so that its room has its own sense of personality accomplishes this. Too much configuration responsibility be boring; too much discrepancy can cause a restless feeling. sophistry the elements and principles to get just the right mix is a key to good architecture.More Info about;

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